All things WordPress on this site.
All the pages about WordPress
Plugin-readme Parser
Details of an updated WordPress plugin to parse WordPress plugin readme files and display the contents as HTML.
WordPress block theme development: field notes
I try to make sense of how to create WordPress blocks programatically.
Panda-Puss: a new WordPress theme
The home page of the Panda-Puss theme for WordPress by Pandammonium.
All the posts about WordPress
Blipper Widget v1.2.3: now with caching
I add caching to the Blipper Widget plugin to make its loading faster and to reduce the number of hits on the Blipfoto server to reduce the likelihood of hitting the rate limit.
Plugin-readme Parser, a WordPress plugin
I update an existing WordPress plugin to parse WordPress plugin readme files and display the contents as HTML.
Blipper Widget 1.1.3 is released
I update Blipper Widget to indicate how it works with WP 6.0.1.
WordPress search block and search results: improved
WordPress 6.0 improves the behaviour when no results are found.
Official WordPress block documentation exists
I find the official WordPress documentation for the core blocks.
WordPress block settings: I’ve found them
I finally find some answers to my block markup questions.
Adding a navigation menu to a WordPress block theme
I work out how to register menu locations for themes, which seems pointless, actually.
WordPress search block and search results
The lack of conditional logic in HTML files is causing problems. This problem doesn’t exist with PHP files.
I’ve just realised something about WordPress block styling, and it’s not good
I realise that semantic classes are not compatible with the Site Editor’s settings.
WordPress block parts
I talk briefly about WordPress block theme parts and compare them to the classic theme equivalent.
WordPress navigation blocks
I discover how to add a navigation block to a WordPress block theme. I note some of the markup that can be used with such blocks.
Adding your own classes to WordPress blocks
I find out how to add classes to WordPress blocks without breaking the WordPress editor.
WordPress block template markup: types of tag
There are two types of WordPress block template markup, just as there are two types of HTML tags. I explain.
There’s a Sublime Text package to auto-complete WordPress blocks
I have an idea for helping with WordPress block templates: an auto-completion package for Sublime Text.
WordPress block template documention
I look for documentation to help with creating my WordPress block theme Panda-Puss.
Designing Panda-Puss isn’t straightforward
I finally get down to writing code for my WP Panda-Puss theme. It’s confusing.
A new logo for Blipper Widget
I use my new Pandammonium logo as a base for my new Blipper Widget logo.
A logo for Panda-Puss
I use my new Pandammonium logo as a base for my new Panda-Puss logo.
Blipper Widget 1.1.2 is released
I release Blipper Widget 1.1.2, but compatibility has only been fully tested up to WP 5.7.
Panda-Puss base theme change
I change the type of my Panda-Puss theme from a traditional one to a new-fangled block theme.
Adding/enabling missing PHP modules in WordPress
I am thwarted yet again by WordPress, but not for long!
Nobody panic, but PHP is missing the MySQL extension, which is required by WordPress
I see a terrible new-to-me error and think it will be awful to fix; but it’s even simpler than the internet says it is.
Strange changes to this site’s design
I notice this site looks a bit odd. What’s going on?
Weird colour effects: apologies
My website inexplicably goes weird, but I more-or-less fix it.
WordPress 5.8
I update WordPress and find its new block widgets have broken my site. Then I fix it – temporarily.
Error establishing a database connection: solved
I fix the error in establishing a database connection.
Error establishing a database connection
Me and my website have database woes. Sorry about that.
Blipper Widget is now available through the WP Plugin Directory
Blipper Widget is now available for your installing pleasure from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
Readying Blipper Widget for the WordPress Plugin Repository
I prepare Blipper Widget for submission to the WordPress Plugin Repository.
Image problem
I thought it would be easy to fix the missing images on my blog, but it isn’t.
WP Blipper Widget: options
I separate the options into those that work behind the scenes and those that affect the appearance of the widget.
WP Blipper Widget: fixed
Digital Ocean help me find and fix the error that killed my plugin — oh, happy day.
WP Blipper Widget problems: PHP?
WP Blipper Widget has technical problems on Digital Ocean. Is it related to PHP?
Simplifying always helps
WP Blipper Widget update: scrap the over-complicated boilerplate WP plugin; start from scratch with one file.
Connecting Blipfoto to WordPress
Why I’m developing a plugin to connect Blipfoto to WordPress.
Reason for month-long downtime
If you recall, I broke my site really badly in January, and it was down for a month till February. This is what happened.
Duplicating a git repository to create a template repository
I learn how to do something complicated-looking in git that’s actually pretty straightforward.
Adding a navigation menu to a WordPress block theme
I work out how to register menu locations for themes, which seems pointless, actually.
A new logo for Blipper Widget
I use my new Pandammonium logo as a base for my new Blipper Widget logo.
A logo for Panda-Puss
I use my new Pandammonium logo as a base for my new Panda-Puss logo.
MacOS, Apache, MySQL, PHP – without MAMP
I tire of MAMP and set up Apache, MySQL and PHP directly on my computer.