Of the six parkruns I’ve been to this year, I’ve run one and volunteered at the rest.
My excuse for not running is my gammy leg, which was fine when I ran my 51st parkrun, but not fine when I went out running with my running group. It’s actually ok now, but I’m quite enjoying volunteering.
I did finish tokens today, which I enjoyed. I chatted to the funnel manager in between runners.
The weather was beautiful: sunny with a lovely blue sky, and no wind. There being no wind in the fens is remarkable. The fens are so flat and largely not built-up, so there’s nothing to stop the wind, which seems to blow in your face whichever way it’s pointing.
Without the wind, my fingers were cold but not frozen, which meant I could give out the finish tokens easily. With the wind we had last weekend, my fingers were stiff and unfeeling, so it was a lot harder to take the tokens off their shoe lace. I really appreciated the still air this week.
We had 90 runners this week, down from 99 last week.