On this page:
This is the fourth instalment of the tale of my blackberry stitch tea cosy. Read from the beginning.
Shaping the top
Shaping the top of the tea cosy pieces proved to be easy after all the struggles so far. It just required a couple of rows of decrease stitches. Having said that, the last instruction seemed a little opaque to a beginner like me:
Break off yarn, thread through rem sts. Pull up tightly and fasten off.
I understood it all except the “fasten off” part. Fasten off how? Tie a knot in it? It would run straight through the remaining stitches I’d just pulled it through. I had no idea. I asked the internet for help. The answer I got was perhaps obvious: sew in the end with a darning needle to hold it in place. I did that, and it seemed to work.