Crossed-out arrow

On this page:

I needed to draw an arrow that meant the opposite of $rightarrow$, but there wasn’t one, unless I used a chemical arrow meaning a failed reaction. I didn’t want to do that, so I defined my own:


I can’t remember where I found out how to do this, but you can imagine how pleased I was to find there was an $\arrownot$ already defined! Note that it requires maths mode, hence the \ensuremath.


Here is the arrow being defined and used in a file in text mode and in maths mode.

\usepackage{stmaryrd}% Defines \arrownot



C \nrightarrow\ B

$C \nrightarrow\ B$


2 thoughts on “Crossed-out arrow

  1. \arrownot does not appear to be included by default in my installation…

    I searched for a bit, and downloaded a package from MikTeX called mathabx, which includes no \arrownot, but does include pre-made negated arrows like \nRightarrow (that one, at least, works in math mode but not in normal text)

    So you need to add


    before your \begin{document}

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