I went to HOP this week, despite the heat. I forgot my water bottle, which I’d diligently filled up with fresh water. I had to get a pint of water in a plastic glass from the bar upstairs — otherwise I would probably keel over in the heat.
I used 1 kg weights throughout, instead just for the upper body workout section and the floor workout (evil abs stuff).
I was glad of the water, and the small towel I take with me now. I bought a microfibre towel a while ago after seeing other people at HOP with such towels. It’s a good idea given how much sweat one can produce by wafting some weights in the air while jogging on the spot.
I was still a bit cautious with my leg: I may or may not be doing the Littleport 10k on Sunday, so I don’t want to risk hurting it again. Not just yet, anyway.
My arms felt so wobbly afterwards, I feared I wouldn’t be able to shove my cheesy chips in my face afterwards. Don’t worry, I managed 😋