
dodgy mains wire hidden by wallpaper
dodgy mains wire
Despite Colin’s amazing electrical skills, we had a professional electrician come round to check the electricity. It seemed a bit dodgy in parts, like where the mains wire came down the outside of one of the walls, protected only by wallpaper.

wire dangling from the ceiling
ceiling wire
We also asked him to fit a light switch for the kitchen from the living room. There isn’t one there, but that doesn’t stop us from trying to use it. That means we’ll end up with a crazy three-way light switch.

The living room is quite long, and a single bulb light doesn’t seem quite bright enough to illuminate it all. We thought we’d have the light moved along to the living area and a separate light fitting added to the dining room part.

So now we have no wire running down the outside of a wall, and some wires sticking out the walls and ceilings.

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